Thursday, February 28, 2008

Brandon is 20!

My little brother is 20 years-old today!
He was a day away from being a "leap-year baby."
I still remember when he was born...I was so excited to be a "big sister."
Now he is much bigger than me...but he is still my baby brother!
Luv u Brandon!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Change of Pace:)

I have never complained, bothered to ask,
or even shown any sign of remorse...
For the first time since Brynn was born,
Tony got up and fed her during the night...2x!
I was so exhausted that I didn't even wake up to her crying.
I woke up at 2am...
I thought I heard someone talking in the living room.
~It was one of those moments of confusion
and being frightened all at the same time.~
It took me a while, but I finally realized that it was
Tony playing/talking with Brynn...
I also noticed that I really was uncomfortable from not nursing...
if it weren't for that, I would have slept until morning;)
Though I feel guilty from not being with Brynn last night,
I am relieved to feel that I am not in this alone.
Not that I really have felt that way,
but I never have felt that the responsibility needed to shift.
It was definitely a nice change of pace!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Work Week

Well, for me, I basically can call myself "stupid."
I decided to wear a dress in below zero weather...not very smart!
I swear, the weather online said that it was supposed to be 22 degrees...
they were wrong, or was I?
Everyone's sick...our family, people at my work...yuck!
I think Chase got a toy back (long story...we ended up taking all his toys away for being naughty about a month he earns them back when he is good).
Brynn went to doctor for a check-up on her bronchialitis...she sounds better...
though, the doctor said she would probably be dealing with this the remainder of the winter...until it gets warmer. Poor BABY!

I had to work a 10 hour day...b/c I missed a couple hours on Wednesday.
LONG DAY! I have no more personal time...used it all on maternity leave:(

Another day of work...long week!
Daycare cancelled for today...thank goodness for my mom...she has us covered!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Brynn's still sick:(

The doctor was almost positive that she had RSV a week ago...since then, she has been on nebulizer treatments. The RSV test ended up being negative...she had bronchialitis (I know, is there such a thing?). Anyway, she seemed to be doing really well this weekend...last night, it started all over again! She's coughing, wheezing, snotty....all of the above! I feel so bad for my little girl. (Not to mention...I don't get much sleep)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Kids...rather recent pics

They amaze me.
Thought I might as well start from the beginning!
Brynn Noelle, November 1, 2007
3 lbs. 14 oz., 16 inches

Chase Anthony, April 9, 2004
5 lbs. 8 oz., 18 inches

Tony and I on our honeymoon!
(married in Las Vegas on September 19, 2003)

Getting Started...

Well...I finally did it...I started a blogspot! After seeing many before, I finally caved in. Why you ask?'s the perfect time to do it! My life is the most busy it has ever been...raising 2 small children (Chase, 3 1/2 and Brynn, 15 weeks) with my husband Tony, working full-time w/ an hour commute each way, keeping my house in order...and on and on. Now, doesn't it make sense to add one more thing to keep me busy?